Coping with Life’s Relationships
Friends get married, family moves away, people break up/divorce…
… jobs change, babies are born, people die!
These are typical life experiences that become relationship fractures.
Yes, everyone has broken relationships in life.
We are affected by them in some way and usually without our notice.
The effect may be positive or negative but, either way, it has made its mark.
Sometimes we change to the point of becoming a “different person” altogether.
Perhaps one who is negative and angry, withdrawn and lonely.
Suddenly you realize… I want ME back.
Who is this “different person”?
Your friends & family have noticed but don’t know what to do.
Maybe you’ve become accustomed to this “new you”—even though it’s not a happier you.
Not sure why or what to do about it?
Do you sometimes top off your unhappiness with a little guilt?
Are you angry at the world because everything goes wrong? All… the… time?
All you really know is: This isn’t who you want to be!
Answers, please!
Talking with me, you’ll have an opportunity to be heard.
Your feelings will be validated because your feelings matter!
Together we’ll explore the relationships of your life to see where you’ve been and how you got to where you are now.
You can do this… and I can help.
I’ve successfully helped clients work through post-relationship depression, low self-esteem, emotional trauma, forgiveness issues and more.
… and I’ve done this with a diverse group of clients: All races, religions, ethnicities, and sexual orientations are treated with equal respect.
It will be ok. Your pain can finally be healed and released.
You truly do deserve a life of happiness and peace.